Saturday, March 5, 2011

Shoe Lust- Aldo "Pliny"

Why study when you can window shop online? I mean I don't have a major Microbiology Lab Midterm to study for or anything. But let's not bore you and let's get to the good stuff.

These are the Aldo "Pliny" shoes. To me they look very Chanel-esque. And if you knew me, you would know I love that. Sadly, with my current pay and student status. Purchasing some beautiful Chanels are kinda out of my reach. So I would definitely settle for these. I just love the nude up against the black! What do you think??

They can be purchased here: They are $80 USD

Shoe Lust of the Moment: Aldo "Krugh"

So I vowed to myself I would not buy myself anymore shoes unless they can be properly justified. Example: A on an exam (you might not think this is a big deal but with my classes IT IS) or getting bonuses/recognition at work. It's not that I do not have the money, it's that I do not have the time to wear the shoes. My time is spent four ways these days: Going to school, working, studying, or sleeping.

I cannot wear my shoes (mostly heels) to school because:
1. I attend the second largest university in my state.
2. I go to school for 13 hours a day.
3. People would die of jealousy of my shoes (sarcasm)

I cannot wear my shoes to work because:
1. I work 8-9 hour shifts.
2. Sadly shoes must be non-slip :(

And the other two are self-explanatory. Unless I really wanna get ridiculous and wear them to bed. (which I've done before)

But anyways we're getting way off topic. I'm currently drooling over these right now.

These are not my typical "love" shoe just because it has that chunky heel and its fabric. But for some reason right now I am really digging it! They are from Aldo, part of the spring collection and I think they would look so cute with shorts or a really cute summer dress. I've never purchased a pair of shoes from Aldo before but I think these are absolutely adorable!

They are $90 USD and can be purchased online here: The photos are also from that site.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Bowknot Embellished Pumps

So I recently stumbled upon this website called They are a wholesale clothing site that also sells retail internationally. I'm embarrassed to say that I've spent a couple hours over the past week "window shopping" this site and everytime I stumble upon these shoes my eyes grow large and my jaw drops. These shoes are BEAUTIFUL. I mean beyond beautiful. If you didn't get a million compliments while wearing them everyone around you is crazy. The most insane part of this all? The price of it. 12.47. YUP 12.47 US dollars! How can you not drool?

I know you're probably wondering, so if these shoes are so beautiful and they're so cheap why aren't they in your hands yet? (or more better on your feet). Because they only have limited sizes. Specifically US Sizes 5-7. I'm a size 8 :( So if I know you, and you're a size 5-7 please pick them up for the sake of me! Because these are way too beautiful to pass up!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Birthday Blues

Every time January rolls around I start getting excited. Because it means that February can't be too far away and that means its my birthday... But for some reason this year I am just not getting that feeling. In fact, I am not even looking forward to my birthday at all. Maybe its because I have school the entire day (from 8 AM to 9:45 at night) or maybe because I couldn't get the weekend before or after off. Maybe it's just not supposed to be an exciting birthday because the my next one is the big 21. Who knows.. I don't even know what to do for my birthday...

Maybe I'll ignore my birthday this year.. Pretend I skipped it. Save all the excitement for 21.

What do you think?

Love, Stephanie

Monday, January 24, 2011

A Fresh Start

Today is my first day back at CSULB. I don't think I can even begin to put into words how excited I am. I don't think I've ever been this excited for school, and that's saying something since I really like school. After my hell of a semester (maybe a blog post on that later) I'm ready to start again. I can't wait to challenge myself and drive myself to the limit, because if I wasn't doing that I wouldn't be making myself happy.

So here are the reasons I'm excited:
1. I'm back at CSULB after taking Fall off and going to a community college and taking online classes. I'm excited for actual classrooms with real students and real lectures and discussions. I am a people person, the whole hiding behind your computer crap just is not for me. CSULB has become a comfort area for me. I thrive when I'm in a place I know with people I know.
2. This is my least stressful semester when it came to adding classes. I've had some crazy obstacles to go through when it came to classes, and this was by far the easiest. Even though some problems did arise, I was able to overcome them and actually get a schedule I liked and will hopefully work for me.
3. I'm going to work less. Since school is really my priority I'm taking on less days at work so I could concentrate. And I'm happy about that, because I was really getting sick at living my life at Panera everyday. The only part that sucks is that I never have weekends off and sometimes you just wanna run away for a day, and this situations does not exactly give me that freedom.
4. I'm in a micro class! Which means I'm one semester closer to applying, and hopefully it means I can apply to the nursing program in the fall and I can finally be on the way to graduating.
5. Even though my best friend Christine goes to another CSU I feel closer to her when I'm here. Is that weird? I just feel like we've got something to bond over when were both going to school.

Well I can't really think of any more reasons.. even though in my mind it seems like there were and endless number of reasons for my excitment. Oh well, I'll write later! Off to Italian class :) Maybe I'll teach you something in the next post! Haha :D

Are you ready for Spring semester?
I sure am! Bring it oooonnnn!

Friday, November 5, 2010

Into the Wild- Well not quite!

Today I was getting ready for my day which is gonna consist of errands because yesterday the errands I had to do were completely put off because my mom had me doing hers, so today I shall do mine before work tonight. Then lunch :) But anyways as I was getting ready and looking at which pair of shoes I was gonna wear today, yeah I know I'm a little backward but I like starting with shoes first. Haha. I remembered these beautiful beauties.

I had purchased them about 3 years ago at Fashion District and they were pretty pricey for Fashion District (I believe $40-$50) but they were the perfect leopard print. What do you mean perfect leopard print Stephanie? I find that there are very prints and styles of shoes out there that looks completely tacky and I would never be caught dead in, but these beauties, were PERFECT! So I couldn't help but swoop them up. I remember bringing them to my trip to Europe 3 summers ago, and I wore these out A LOT! And if you've ever been to Europe you know that cement is a rarity, and that it is mostly cobblestone and dirt. But these babies got me through it and in comfort too! So I have a special love and place in my heart for these shoes.

I'm really bummed to work tonight, so I had to add a little wild to my outfit of the day. I hope you guys like it! Enjoy and thanks for reading <3

Top: Charlotte Russe
Bottoms: True Religion Jeans
Watch: Betsey Johnson
Necklace: Tiffany's
Shoes: Fashion District
Bag: Louis Vuitton Speedy 30

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shoe of the Day: November 4, 2010

So if you follow me on YouTube you know I do outfit of the days. Well, I've kinda been shoe obsessed lately so I thought I would start doing shoe of the days. Typically I don't wear heels/boots every single day. But the days I do I'd like to feature them on my blog :D And hopefully if it all works out in my timing and stuff I'll have outfit of the days that go along with it!

So today's first shoe of the day are these lovely pair pictured above. I purchased them from and were featured in my recent shoe haul. I think they are so sexy & classic! They're gray suede with a really big platform. They're super high but still comfy to wear! I made an outfit of the day video so you can check it out to see what I wore with these beautiful babies.

I hope you guys are all doing well! What shoe did you wear today??

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 4: My First Year...

Day 4...

So my first year of college is almost over. And I don't know how I feel about this. I'm excited because there's only more wonderful things to look forward to the future. I'm really proud of myself that I did so well making the Dean's List in my first semester as well as being invited to numerous Honor societies. Other than that I've also maintained a job, helped my family through our crises, and maintained all my friendships..

But as this year draws to an end I'm beginning to realize something. Each year that passes I say good bye to child hood and my youth as I take new responsibilities. Though I don't have any regrets it's just hard to think about saying goodbye to your childhood and youth. I feel like I was thrown into maturity at such an age because of my parent's divorce, my mom going to school as a single parent, caring for my brother while she worked, and other things. I know I shouldn't think negatively on any of this because those "bumps" in the road have made me such a strong and intelligent person. But sometimes I think, what if these things didn't happen? How would I have turned out?

I've accomplished in this year. I graduated high school. Got a job. Went to school. Excelled in school. And so many other wonderful things.

Now I look to my future and I only see bright things. I'm taking 3 classes this summer so I can really get ahead and get into the nursing program and I have fun things planned with friends. Even though things my seem really stressful and hectic right now I truly do love my life. I wouldn't trade it for the world because I chose to put myself in these situations because I know myself and that I thrive well under pressure.

Well anyways.. this is the most random post ever. And it was totally all over the place. I've got one more week of finals and I'm done. So wish me luck!!

What things have you accomplished this year? If you go to school, what are you studying?

361 days to go..

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 3: My Hair Dilemna

Day 3..

So from the title you can see I have a little problem. And its my hair. Every so often this little itch inside me comes out and I wanna do something to my hair. Be it color, dye, whatever. But I'm always a chicken, because even though I hate to admit it I'm sometimes afraid of change. Especially changes you can erase if you don't like it. I've always been envious of people who had balls to chop off all their hair or dye it some crazy color. Yes sometimes they look completely ridiculous but there are the lucky times they come out looking amazing.

I myself have never cut my hair more than probably 4 inches and probably will never. I love my long hair and even though sometimes I'm envious of girls with cute short bobs and other short do's I don't think I can ever bring myself to do it, let alone pull it off...

Well, there's someone's hair I'm envying right now.. And I really shouldn't be envying it and I'm kinda embarrassed to admit it because it's someone I really don't like.

Agh.. I can't believe I just admitted it! Yes. I want Miley Cyrus's hair. I love the color of her hair in this photo. And even though I hate that I've been compared to her many times before, I think its a good thing in this situation because it means I can probably pull this hair off... But I'm still a little unsure...

What do you think? And what are hair dilemnas you've had with yourself in the past?

362 more days to go...

Day 2: Our Bodies, Ourselves

Day 2..
So I'm posting this a day late because I forgot for a second that I was actually doing this. Yes, I know. I forgot on the second day. But as you know I've got quite a lot on my plate at the moment. But I do wanna continue this because I feel it's a good way to vent about stuff.. don't cha think?

Okay Stephanie stop rambling.. This semester I'm taking a Women's Studies class. The class is properly called Women, Gender, and Sexuality Studies: Women's & Their Bodies. Now that's a mouthful to take in. Right? Well in that class we're reading a book called "Our Bodies Ourselves". In February when I was in the bookstore and picked up this book I thought to myself. Wow this thing is an encyclopedia! How am I gonna get through this? But really it's been one of the best books I've ever read. And the fact that it is written in the form of a textbook and I still like it is pretty amazing, don't you think?

Well anyways.. if you're a female I think you should take a Women's Studies class about your body. Because as a woman you'd think, "I'm a woman, I know my own body", but really you'd learn so much as I have this semester. It's opened my eyes to the facts and myths out there surrounding my body and female issues as well talked about subjects that are a little taboo in our society and aren't brought up or we're educated on a daily basis. Even if you aren't a female and are a guy I think this book would be very helpful to you.. you'll learn so many things about women and it would help you become a better man, lover, husband, etc..

It also helps a lot that it's pink :)

Has there ever been a book that's changed the way you think about things or see life?

363 more days to go..